Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hope's Proton Therapy

(The table where Hope's face and head are bolted down every day for an hour long treatment)

(The gold plated blocks specially made for Hope for the Proton beam radiation)

(Hope getting into position for her daily proton therapy)

So far Hope's therapy has gone well, with little to no side effects. The first day she got a headache, but after taking some Tylenol it went away. Besides the one headache, she says it has been no big deal. I talked to her on the phone on Christmas Eve and asked her if it was scary. She said it wasn't scary at all. Hope will get her treatment every day (no weekends) for 30 days, 1 hour a day. Thanks again for your continued prayers and support.

What is Proton Therapy?

If you are curious as to what Proton Therapy is, and how it works, here is a link to the MD Anderson Proton Therapy Center with an explanation:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A letter from mom 12/12/2011

(at MD Anderson)

(in the lobby of their apartments)

(baking cookies in their apartment)

(mold to wear during radiation)

(mini Christmas)

(proton therapy)

Hi Y'all,
We love it here in Houston.  It's sunny every day.  Hope has not started her Proton radiation yet, hopefully this week.  We have met some really nice people and have a rental car to get around town.  Everything is pretty close.  The hospital is 5 minutes away.  So far we have experienced 3 really unforgettable outings:  1) The Butterfly Arberetum 2) The Zoo 3) Lakewood Christian Church (Joel Olstein). 
I miss everyone lots, but I also am loving it here.  I feel wierd not working, but it's nice to be able to focus totally on Hope and enjoy the experience in Houston as well :)
Hope is in great spirits and happy we are here.  She is eager to get the rest of this radiation treatment started and over! So far the doctors at MD Anderson are really great and on top of things.  The Texas Medical Center and Texas Childrens Cancer Center is an entire city in itself, pretty overwhelming!  Our apartment is very nice and cozy and has everything we need.
I will send more updates with pics as we can.  I wish everyone a Merry Christmas!  Hope to see ya soon!

Love n hugs, from Sheri & Hope in Houston

On their way to Texas!


Since we knew we were not going to spend most of the holiday season together, we decided to have a ton of fun on Thanksgiving! We spent all day in the kitchen in our aprons, with no schedule. It was so nice hanging out and cooking together (something we all love). Hope made the table look beautiful and even helped me with the turkey.


(last chemo: visit from NFL player Kendall Simmons and former NBA player Chris Dudley)

Hope has finished her chemo treatment and has started radiation. Her last round of chemo did not shrink the tumor at all, so it was important to get started on radiation treatments right away.
Because of the location of the tumor, there are many risks involved in doing the radiation treatment. Risks being: loss of vision, loss of memory, loss of hearing, stop of growth to the spinal chord, etc. Because the location of the radiation treatment is so delicate, the team of Doctor's in Oregon decided to send Hope to the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. MD Anderson is a well know cancer center which people travel to from all over the world in order to receive treatment. They have better equipment there to treat Hope which will help cut risk. The original plan was for them to be there for seven weeks, but it has turned into a longer trip. Expectations now are that they will be home in mid February. They arrived in Texas the second week of December.