Friday, October 14, 2011

4th round of chemo

This round has not gone so well. This time Hope got sick the first night she was at the hospital. In a way it could have been prevented, but the nurses forgot to give her the medicine that helps prevent nausea.  So instead of passing time playing hospital bingo and doing arts and crafts, she spent it feeling extremely tired, emotional, crying easy, throwing up, and the back of her legs flared up with eczema. She had a terrible chest cough, her eyes were puffy and she wouldn't take her pills. It was a rough first night! I went to see her the next day expecting to see her in complete misery, but to my surprise she was doing well. This time the nurses remembered to give her all the appropriate medication...whew! When I arrived she was sitting in a chair that had wheels, tubes all attached to her, painting a haunted house that the art therapist had brought her. She was really hyper, she literally was bouncing in her seat, we kept thinking she was going to spin right off her chair. Not sure why she was so rambunctious, maybe all the sugar pumping through body. I was there for maybe an hour and she had to use the restroom probably a dozen times. At one point she turned to the nurse and asked "Are you sure you are giving me the medicine that helps me from not going to the bathroom every 10 minutes?" The nurse replied "yes, I am. I have been trying to get it regulated all day." Poor thing, every time she has to go to the restroom, it is such a big ordeal. They have to make sure there is a what they call a hat in the toilet, so they can monitor the protien levels in her urine. She has to be unpluged from a handful of outlets, untangle the millions of cords that are attached to her, wheel the tubes and liquids that can not be unattached, and have a couple people assist her. Talk about no personal space! Despite all this though she was still able to have fun and make us all laugh. She is still the sweet little sister she has always been. Way to hang in there Hope!


(Hope in her awesome robot costume)

(Jackie trying to be as cool as Hope)

(Hope and her cousins)

(the creator of the robot cake and present)

(robot cake)

(robot present)

Jackie turned 22 this year and to celebrate we decided to have a robot party. To help make this the ultimate robot party, Hope spent all day with her grandpa creating the world's best robot costume. This is just the kind of goofy things our family likes to do to celebrate another year of life!