Monday, August 29, 2011
White Shirt Option
Hi everyone. Here is another shirt we are planning to order. We figured some guys may not want to wear a purple shirt with flowers, so we made one that is less feminine, but still ok for the ladies, with a slightly different message. We plan on placing the next order of the purple design and the new design next Monday or Tuesday, so if you are still wanting a shirt and have not yet mentioned it please let me know sometime this week!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
9th Birthday Bash
(hanging out with friends on the playground)
(getting ready to blow out her candle)
Thank you everyone for helping us celebrate Hope's 9th birthday! The party was a ton of fun and I know Hope really appreciated it. We celebrated at a local park and had a bbq. Since Hope's blood counts were a little low, it worked out great having the party at a huge open park, making it less likely for any sort of infection. The kids were able to run wild on the play structure and when they got tired they each got to decorate their own cupcakes. Thank you everyone who was able to come, and especially to those who helped by bringing food, moving tables and bbq's, decorating, making cupcakes, and more. I know Hope felt very special on her 9th birthday!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Hope T-Shirts
T-Shirts have been made in Hope's favorite color with a design that we feel reflects Hope's personality. The T-shirts along with the bracelets are a way to keep Hope in your thoughts and prayers and to help financially. The first batch of t-shirts have already been sold, but we are going to make a second order shortly. The T-shirts will be $20 each. If you would like to help support Hope and purchase one, please let me know how many you will be purchasing and the size you need. Please only let me know if you truly are getting one because we don't want to order more than we need. The shirts are American Apparel brand and are unisex sizes. Thanks!
1st Blood test looks good
(at the doctor's office to check her blood count)
(that same evening at her cousin Brooke's birthday party)
The first appointment to check Hope's blood count went well. So far she is doing great with the treatment. The only issue is that she seems to be having some trouble with her vision. They believe it will only be a temporary issue, but will continue to watch it.
Monday, August 8, 2011
So far doing pretty well
(painting from Hope's art teacher Mrs. Holterman)
So far Hope has been doing pretty well. She has been home for 4 days since her first cycle of chemo. There have been a few moments where she felt a little sick, but taking her medicine helps right away. Her hair is starting to thin out a little bit, especially around her scar, but it doesn't seem to be getting her down. She truly is a strong young lady. It is so amazing how she is keeping her spirits up and how great she is doing. Hope has been an inspiration to us all. We feel so blessed to have all of your support.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
First Day of Chemo
(Painting by Hope during first chemo treatment)
The day started at 9am in the oncology office at the hospital. Hope was not scared, but she was very eager to get things moving. Her arm was extremely sore from getting the PICC Line inserted the day before, she was very tired, and her legs were sore as well. It was difficult to see her in a lot of pain while we were waiting in the room. At the oncology office they had to run blood tests to make sure everything was ok to start treatment. We waited about 2 hrs. in the oncology office for her to be admitted to the ICU. It is rare to have chemo treatment in the pediatrics ICU, so communication between the two teams was not optimal. Once in the ICU they gave her the largest room which was also the only room with a restroom in it. The reason for Hope to have treatment in the ICU is because, with the tumor, she developed Diabetes Insipidus, and it is very important to closely monitor the sodium levels in her urine. In the first 30 minutes there was a whirlwind of people coming in, ICU Nurse, Charge Nurse, Case Manager, Social Worker, Chemo Nurses, Dr's, etc. While all the people were in and out, Hope kept herself distracted by watching a movie. The next step was hydration time, it was a 2 hour process to pump her PICC line full of fluids. The nice thing about the PICC line is she doesn't have to get poked anymore in order to insert an IV. I wasn't there when they actually started the chemo, but it went really well. Hope painted during the whole treatment and didn't even notice that anything was happening. Afterwards, at one point, she thought she was going to throw up, but it was a false alarm. At this point in day two she is still doing well. They suspect she will be in the ICU for 4-5 days. I will keep you posted on how she is feeling. Thank you!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Bracelets for Hope
Many of you have asked how you can help, right now the two main needs are 1) to keep Hope and the family in your thoughts and prayers and 2) help covering the cost of living and medical bills as they build over the next several months. To help in keeping Hope in your thoughts and prayers we have had bracelets made in her favorite colors to remind you of her every time you see them. The bracelets are a $2 donation, if you would like one please let me or one of my family members know and we will get you one. If you would like to help financially, donations can be made at your local Wells Fargo Bank. Just say you would like to donate to the "Hope Sophia Trust". Thank you again, we are so grateful for all of the love and support you have all poured out to us!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Today Hope had the PICC line inserted. To get it in they did have to sedate her. It took two tries to get it in properly, but they got it done. She is doing well, but ready to hurry up and get everything over with. The PICC is causing a little tenderness, but should ease up soon. Tomorrow is the first day of her chemo, so we would really appreciate your prayers as Hope starts the next phase of her journey. Thank you!
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